call for brief paper
Call for brief papers to Visegrad Grant Project
The Research Institute for Competitiveness and Economics calls NUPS (NKE) students to submit brief papers related to the indicated topics. The best authors can participate in international workshops for students financed by the Visegrad Grant. You will have opportunity to meet Polish, Czech and Slovak students. Every NUPS students are welcome who has at least one closed semester, or has not yet finished the second year of the PhD studies.
Choose one topic (or both) and write a brief analysis or essay:
· Katowice Workshop: Euroscepticism
o How does the conflicts rose in 2020 (rule of law, migration, gender rights) affect the pro- or anti-EU behavior and movements of the society in the Visegrad countries? (Vajon hogyan hatnak a visegrádi országok társadalmának EU-pártiságára vagy EU-ellenességére a 2020-ban felmerült uniós konfliktusok (jogállamiság, migráció, gender jogok)?
o What are the inner and outer factors of Euroscepticism in Hungary? (Milyen belső és külső kihívások érik a magyar társadalom EU pártiságát?)
o How would an exit campaign and referendum end in the Visegrad countries according to the analogy of Brexit? (A Brexithez hasonlítva hogyan végződne egy kilépési kampány és népszavazás a visegrádi országokban?)
o How popular are certain actions, institutions, movements initiated by the EU Community level in the Visegrad countries? (Mennyire népszerűek az EU közösségi szintje által kezdeményezett cselekvési tervek, intézmények, mozgalmak a visegrádi országokban?
· Budapest Workshop: Industry 4.0
o Choose a Visegrad country beside Hungary and compare the level of digitalization in the corporate or the household sector! What can be the explanation for the difference? (Milyen mértékű eltérés található a magyar és egy másik, tetszőlegesen választott V4 ország között a vállalati vagy a háztartási digitalizáció tekintetében. Vajon mi lehet az eltérés oka?)
o What can is done by the economic policy via digitalization in the Visegrad countries to reserve their role in car manufacturing? (Mit tesz a gazdaságpolitika a visegrádi országokban az autóipar megtartása érdekében a digitalizáció terén?)
o What are the trends in e-commerce digitalization in a Visegrad country? (Hogyan alakul a kiskereskedelem digitalizációja egy a visegrádi országokban?)
o What relationship can be identified by the effects of various achievements of industry 4.0 on productivity and economic growth situations? (Milyen összefüggések azonosíthatók az ipar 4.0 különböző vívmányainak termelékenységre és gazdasági növekedésre gyakorolt hatásait illetően?)
· length: 3000 – 3500 characters long
· Any analyses are welcome which relate to the topics named above.
· Submission in English or in Hungarian language.
· Define your research question or puzzle, refer to exact data, use some academists’ or analysts’ publication and refer them!
Deadline for submissions: 22. February 2021.
Way of submission:
The brief paper is an entry opportunity to an oral discussion where the best 5-5 students will be chosen to represent the Hungarian team in the workshops in Katowice and Budapest. The second round as an oral discussions will be held in March in MS Teams in ENGLISH (!). One student can submit maximum 1-1 paper to each workshop topic, but only the better will be considered to the Teams discussion. Not everyone will be automatically invited to the Teams discussion.
Rewards by categories (Euroscepticism, industry 4.0):
· First place: Net 30 000 HUF (by topics)
· Second place: Net 20 000 HUF (by topics)
· Good quality papers can be published in, Ludecon blog
· Participation in the NUPS team in Visegrad Grant Project workshops
About the Visegrad Grant Project:
· 4 workshops will be held during 2021 and 2022. The current call is for the first two rounds in Katowice (May 2021) and in Budapest (June 2021).
· In every workshop, always 5-5 different student can participate. One person can participate only one time in the Hungarian team.
Further info:
Budapest, January 15, 2021